Situated six kilometers from the port of Mykonos, the 67500m² site is ideally suited for maximum development. Plateaux succeed one another at regular altitudes ensuring an open view of the sea and the horizon from all levels. The site fronts on the famed Paradise Beach which continues to this day to be the Mykonos “signature” beach.

Three interrelated complexes have been designed to allow for maximum flexibility in the future development of the project.

The buildings harmonise discreetly with the background and match the island’s unique architecture. Local forms and materials have been incorporated wherever possible to give modern buildings the imprint of age-old craftsmanship and local skills.

The overall development includes three hotels with a total capacity of 750 beds, three “villages” with 440 beds in all and two “rectangular windmill” blocks housing 160 beds, making for a sum of 24500m² of enclosed areas plus the open but covered verandahs, patios and communication pathways. Amenities include swimming pools, night club and bars, sports and playground areas and a marina.

Of particular architectural interest are the villages, designed to reflect island architecture. Also the “windmill” blocks, whose four “wings” are at successive 80cm height differentials (4 x 80cm = one floor), thus highlighting on both plan and elevation, the rotating sail-like

Design Team


Sgoutas Architects

Design completed 1971